Tuesday 21 February 2012


12 weeks today! And yet another awesome doctors appointment but this time with my OB. He found both the heartbeats on a doppler and of course I turned into a sappy mom-to-be and started bawling my eyes out. I swore I'd never be one of those moms that cries at ultrasounds or gets emotional/overly excited. Guess what. Now, I am. Shit. Once he was done with the doppler he wanted to get an ultrasound just to make sure everything's cool in there. Since they are monochorionic (one placenta)/diamniotic (two sacs) they need to be monitored closely to make sure they're measuring correctly, their amniotic levels look good etc. 

We spent the weekend at parents! While we were there my parents had a big dinner on Saturday night with my sisters and everyone. My in laws were suppose to come too but something came up and they asked if we could go to their place for dinner Sunday night. We agreed. 

After dinner on Saturday, I suggested that we hadn't taken a family photo in awhile so hubby said he'd take the picture. We all got arranged (my mom, my dad, my sisters and I) and as hubby (who's name is Millo- short for Carmillo, and I should probably start calling him that) about to take the photo he said, "Everyone say.... Jenn's pregnant!" they were all happy and congratulating us. Then I said something like "alright alright I want a real picture" we sat back down and Millo said "say... it's twins!" after about 10 seconds of everybody's shocked "what? what? what?" they all clued in and were thrilled! I couldn't have dreamed they would have reacted better. My sisters were elated, my mom couldn't stop smiling and my dad kept saying, "I'm going to be a Grandpa? I'm going to be a Grandpa?". to which I replied, "I'm going to be a mom? I'm going to be a mom?" 

Then on Sunday we got to do it all over again with Millo's family! It worked much the same, Millo suggested the family photo and I took it. Except this time I said "Everyone says... I'm pregnant!" I swear I heard one of my brother in laws say "I'm pregnant!" not realizing what I said. My mother in law was hilarious with her "NOOOOOO!" "You're kidding right!?!?" And we hadn't even gotten to the twins part yet! Finally, we got to the twins part the same way we did with my parents. That threw them over the edge! It was hilarious it to watch. 

I'm so glad the cat's finally out of the bag! We're going to wait until 14 weeks (second trimester) to tell extended family/friends. Can't wait till then!

Saturday 18 February 2012

Spilling The Beans

Sorry I've been MIA the past couple days. Work has been absolutely nuts and when I get home at night I usually fall asleep around 7.

I was 11 weeks on Tuesday. The babies are now the size of limes.

What I miss:
- sleeping on my stomach
- having a ham sandwich
- being able to keep my eyes open past 7 at night
- not getting up 30 times to pee at night
- my jeans

We're heading up to visit our parents tomorrow. It'll be a quick visit because hubby needs to be back to work on Wednesday and I have an OB appointment Wednesday too. We'll probably leave Tuesday afternoon or night. Our cover is that hubby isn't going to be able to get time off when my family comes in March for my birthday so we're going to go up this weekend. My mom already agreed to have his parents over for dinner tonight and I think that's when we'll spill. I've been YouTube-ing and Google-ing "ways to tell family about twin pregnancy" and have come up with telling everyone we want to take a picture so everyone gets together and hubby is taking the picture. Then he says "Say... Jennifer's pregnant!" after everyone freaks out he says "okay okay now a real picture" everyone gets back in line and he says "with twins!". I can't wait to see how everyone reacts! I'll let y'all know!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

You Kumquat!

Yay for 10 weeks! Yay for great specialist appointment! 

The babies are the size of kumquats this week. This is now the "fetal" period and the babies are done with the most crucial part of their development. Their kidneys, intestines, liver and brain are in place and functioning! 

At my specialist appointment I met the. hottest. man. on. the. earth. I swear he is gorgeous. The appointment went great! The babies are measuring right on track and they have awesome heartbeats! I don't have to see him again for a month. I have an appointment on March 7th (my birthday!) but for now I'll be seeing my OB unless he finds something that makes him want me to see the specialist. Keeping our fingers crossed that we won't have to see him!

Now comes the dilemma on when we let the cat out of the bag. I really want to tell our immediate family in person but since they live 4 hours away that'll be difficult. I'm thinking about taking a couple days off next week and going up there to visit. So that could be an option. Plus we have to figure out how we're going to tell them. Do we just say "I'm pregnant! With twins!"? I kind of want to surprise them. I'll have to google!

Sunday 5 February 2012

Nausea and Migraines and Bloat, Oh My!

Now we're getting into the most glamorous parts of pregnancy!

Nausea: The nausea is bearable and from what I've read I'm lucky it hasn't hit worse because there's two babies in there. I've learned I have to keep a package of saltine crackers beside my bed so when I get up to pee for the 50th time I can grab a couple and that helps a bit.

Migraines: Ever since I was a teenager I've suffered from migraines. Now they've just gotten more intense. They're the kind of migraines that give you vertigo so I can't sit on a computer from 9-5. Which is going to be great for my job *insert eye roll here*. 

Bloat: Holy shit am I bloated! I've been wearing sweatpants all weekend because I can't fit into my jeans. But I'm also guilty of not drinking enough water lately *runs off to get another glass of water*...

Wednesday 1 February 2012

I'm Gonna Be A Mom?

Two little people are going to be calling me mom? I came to the revelation this morning in the shower. Don't all great thought's come to us in the shower? It's hard to wrap my head around but I'm going to be a mom. Not just a mom but a mom of two - who I've decided - are going to be two cool little dudes/dudets! This twin thing might not be that bad after all! :)