Tuesday 21 February 2012


12 weeks today! And yet another awesome doctors appointment but this time with my OB. He found both the heartbeats on a doppler and of course I turned into a sappy mom-to-be and started bawling my eyes out. I swore I'd never be one of those moms that cries at ultrasounds or gets emotional/overly excited. Guess what. Now, I am. Shit. Once he was done with the doppler he wanted to get an ultrasound just to make sure everything's cool in there. Since they are monochorionic (one placenta)/diamniotic (two sacs) they need to be monitored closely to make sure they're measuring correctly, their amniotic levels look good etc. 

We spent the weekend at parents! While we were there my parents had a big dinner on Saturday night with my sisters and everyone. My in laws were suppose to come too but something came up and they asked if we could go to their place for dinner Sunday night. We agreed. 

After dinner on Saturday, I suggested that we hadn't taken a family photo in awhile so hubby said he'd take the picture. We all got arranged (my mom, my dad, my sisters and I) and as hubby (who's name is Millo- short for Carmillo, and I should probably start calling him that) about to take the photo he said, "Everyone say.... Jenn's pregnant!" they were all happy and congratulating us. Then I said something like "alright alright I want a real picture" we sat back down and Millo said "say... it's twins!" after about 10 seconds of everybody's shocked "what? what? what?" they all clued in and were thrilled! I couldn't have dreamed they would have reacted better. My sisters were elated, my mom couldn't stop smiling and my dad kept saying, "I'm going to be a Grandpa? I'm going to be a Grandpa?". to which I replied, "I'm going to be a mom? I'm going to be a mom?" 

Then on Sunday we got to do it all over again with Millo's family! It worked much the same, Millo suggested the family photo and I took it. Except this time I said "Everyone says... I'm pregnant!" I swear I heard one of my brother in laws say "I'm pregnant!" not realizing what I said. My mother in law was hilarious with her "NOOOOOO!" "You're kidding right!?!?" And we hadn't even gotten to the twins part yet! Finally, we got to the twins part the same way we did with my parents. That threw them over the edge! It was hilarious it to watch. 

I'm so glad the cat's finally out of the bag! We're going to wait until 14 weeks (second trimester) to tell extended family/friends. Can't wait till then!

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