Wednesday 1 February 2012

I'm Gonna Be A Mom?

Two little people are going to be calling me mom? I came to the revelation this morning in the shower. Don't all great thought's come to us in the shower? It's hard to wrap my head around but I'm going to be a mom. Not just a mom but a mom of two - who I've decided - are going to be two cool little dudes/dudets! This twin thing might not be that bad after all! :)

1 comment:

  1. I feel bad that no one has commented so here goes. You have one reader! My twins are 25 now (boy/girl). I had no pregnancy problems at all - didn't even know until 6 1/2 months there was two! We were trying so I was very excited. I was starving all the time and gained a lot but lost all but 8 pounds in the hospital. Delivery was vaginal - I wouldn't want a c-section for anything. I breast fed them - wasn't easy but I felt strongly about it. Keep reading everything you can about twins. And be very glad your husband is excited. Mine wasn't very involved and you need all the help you can get. It will all be fine.
